Meet The Chef
My name is Peter Roland from Denmark and I have a passion for food! :) I am not a professional chef but I consider myself a Food Engineer driven by the passion for Food.
The first inspiration came from my mother and her mother, watching them in the kitchen, when I was a little boy. Seeing them both being determent to stay true to the basic ingredient and the original home cooking, turned the spark in me.
Unfortunately my mother passed away from cancer when I was 12 years old. It was a tough time, but out of all bad comes something good if you look for it. From then my father and I lived alone. My father didn’t know how to cook or clean, so every week my grandmother would stay with us and teach me to cook and clean, so I could take care of my father. For this I am ever grateful and it has giving me the passion/skills I have today.
At the same time I have always been playing with Lego, which I am sure most of you know what is. Today I cannot play with Lego anymore (or maybe I could? or still do:)) but the point is that today, food fulfills the appetite for experimenting, creating and engineering. Same as Lego did for me in the past.
Today I take get my inspiration mainly from the Italian and French home kitchen, however I like to throw in a bit of love from my own country’s kitchen – the Danish kitchen – and also show respect to the country I live in by doing some Japanese / European fusion. This combination creates a style which is based on tradition but still embraces new multicultural cooking and innovative cooking techniques.
My dream is to be able to share this passion with the world, be an inspiration to others and make people happy with my food. I sincerely hope you will enjoy and share the passion.

At Your Service
Email: info@peters-kitchen.com
Tell me a little about your event so I can begin the creation process